Albuquerque Journal: Union asks governor to restore pay raises

"It is the least that our state can do to show our appreciation to workers who…

FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit Available

On Wednesday, May 12, the FCC opened its Emergency Broadband Benefit to households nationwide. It is…

CWA National: NM State Workers Fight to End Poverty Wages

Continued Coverage of Governor’s Pay Raises While State Workers Risk Their Lives Fighting the Pandemic

Articles today in both the Albuquerque Journal and the Santa Fe New Mexican further detailed the Governor’s massive pay increases…

KOB TV: Governor Pays Big Raise to Her Staff Before State Employees and Teachers

During the 2020 session, CWA fought hard to get all its members 4% to 5% pay raises, which were clawed…

Governor Lujan Grisham Needs to Give State Workers Their Raise Back

During the final critical budget negotiations of this year’s Legislative Session, our message to the Governor…

Economic Policy Institute: Mapping the Impact of Raising the Minimum Wage to $15

On Day One, Biden Fires Trump’s Union Buster at the NLRB

CWA 7076 President Makes the Case for a Fair Pay Raise to Lt. Governor

CWA Local 7076 President Dan Secrist and Executive Vice President Charles Compton met with New Mexico…

Governor Lujan Grisham: State Employees Not Key Enough to Invest In

Earlier today, the Albuquerque Journal quoted a spokeswoman for Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham who tried to…

Google Workers, Demanding Change at Work, Launch a Union with CWA

CWA President Chris Shelton’s Statement on Biden’s Win: The Work of Healing Our Country Can Now Begin